Vegas 10ft tradeshow displays are enormously popular at the events and trade shows in Las Vegas. These cheap 10ft tradeshow display signs are perfect for Las Vegas trade show booth signage. The whole purpose of going to trade shows and conventions is to get people interested in your products and services. So these convention 10ft sign displays do just that. They are large enough where people walking by your booth cannot miss your signage. So they will get everybody’s attention as they walk by. The signs can be full color and have pictures and images printed on them. The sales team can also reference these backdrop signs during the sales presentation.
There are hundreds of events and shows held in Las Vegas every year. So thousands of vendors and companies come to Las Vegas to show off their products and services at these events. The events draw people from around the world. As there are millions of attendees. The trade shows and conventions run year round but are the busiest during the November through April season.

Do Vegas 10ft Tradeshow Displays Come in Other Sizes ?
Las Vegas tradeshow 10ft sign displays also come in the popular 6ft tradeshow display and the 10ft trade show display. These trade show signs are easy to set up and take down. In jut a few minutes it can be set up and ready for display. All the 10ft sign displays come with a travel bag for easy transportation So if you choose to change your marketing message for the next show. You can simply just purchase a new fabric banner instead of replacing the entire sign display. So this saves a lot of money. The fabric banners are machine washable so that each time you use it the banner is fresh and new looking.
Check with your Las Vegas sign company who specializes in trade show signs for more information. Delivery of your 10ft fabric banner signs can be arranged to your hotel or show facility. So just ask your local sign shop for more information.