Fabric trade show backdrop displays are increasing in popularity at the Las Vegas events and trade shows. The vendors and companies like these fabric backdrop signs because they can be set up easily. So this important because they do not have to hire union help to set up. The union labor is expensive and a hassle to hire and coordinate. The backdrop displays can be made like a large banner or a pop up display. These backdrop signs can be carried into your event and set up by you and your employees.

Fabric Trade Show Backdrop Displays Are East To Set Up & Take Down.
There are many varieties of fabric backdrop displays. You can simply have a fabric banner made and then display it with an adjustable banner stand. So these banner stands are usually designed to display a 8ft x 8ft banner or a 8ft tall x 10ft wide banner. Longer fabric banners use a drape and pipe type system. So that is basically a pipe that holds the banner up and slides thru the pole pocket on the fabric banner display.
So trade show display signs also come with a pre made system. A backdrop kit would include a frame and a fabric banner designed to go over this frame. The frame can wither be straight or curved. A 10ft curved trade show display has a travel bag and comes with all the necessary parts to make a very professional display. The set up time is less than ten minutes and can be done by two people. The travel bag allows for easy transportation and does not need expensive union labor to set up.
So all the pre formed backdrop display kits come with a travel bag and a machine washable fabric. This allows for easy cleaning of the fabric . So that it is fresh and new looking every time it is used. Also instead of buying a new kit each time. You can simply just order a new fabric banner display for the frame to save money. Delivery of your Vegas signs and Las Vegas banners can be arranged to your hotel or venue.