Dust signs are mandated by the Clark County Dept. Of Environment and Sustainability. This govt. agency is in charge of construction site pollution. They want to limit the amount of dust that goes into the air when the topsoil is disturbed. The dust issue is a big problem in Las Vegas. When it gets windy the dust flies into the air that we all breathe. So they try their best to educate people and limit the amount of dust that we all breathe. The Clark County govt. people designate a responsible party for construction sites and make them attend a Clark County Dust Class. They do this to educate the responsible party in order to limit the amount of dust that goes into the air. it is the same air we all breathe in Southern Nevada. Vegas dust sign is also one of the requirements for construction building.
Clark County Vegas dust permit signs are required on construction sites. These Vegas dust signs need to have certain information printed on them. So you need your permit number, acreage and permittee printed on the dust signs. You also need the permit expiration date, responsible party telephone number and project name. So by putting the responsible parties phone number on the dust control sign. People have a way of contacting somebody about violations. its best to handle the dust violations without the Clark Country Govt. people involved. The dust police have the ability to shut down your construction site and/ or fine you. It is much cheaper and easier to comply with their regulations.

Dust Signs Are Not Expensive.
A Las Vegas dust sign costs around $150.00 and can be made in just a day or two. In cases of emergency where the jobsite is being threated to be shut down. Las Vegas sign companies can make the dust permit signs faster and usually do dame day signs. It costs too much money to have a construction site shut down.
So contact your local dust sign company for more information on this mandated dust signage. Installing your dust permit sign can be arranged through your dust sign printing company.